If you can’t decide what genre you’d like to spend some time in, or if you’re interested in the fusion of technology and detective work — or if you’re just looking for a thriller with a really interesting backdrop — NO SIGNAL is something to check out!
The result is a thrilling adventure that takes readers around the world and into the depths of human desperation. Unlike the first in the series, No Signal doesn’t focus on a murderer; this time, it’s about a network and the extreme lengths it will go to achieve its ambitious goals.
No Signal takes another aspect of our digital lives, our leisure digital lives perhaps it would be clearer to say, and exploits that to an explosive and ultimate conclusion beyond what we could probably imagine! Let's just say it's a gamechanger. And it's about besting the system. But it's also within the context of the Proximity landscape and, as might be natural in the midst of a pandemic, lockdown situation my thoughts turned to tracking and tracing!
If you can’t decide what genre you’d like to spend some time in, or if you’re interested in the fusion of technology and detective work — or if you’re just looking for a thriller with a really interesting backdrop — NO SIGNAL is something to check out!
Proximity’s vision of our future is pleasingly tactile and uncomfortably viable, and makes you question your own feelings towards technology while barrelling along a non-stop chase to solve a crime.