Proximity is the latest novel from the mind of Jem Tugwell. Though there’s actually a longer title for this novel; Proximity: If the police always know where I am…how do I kill you? And that should give you a decent idea of what you’re in for, in this piece of work.

Proximity introduces us to a world full of advanced tech. Tech that has been applied towards making us all healthier and safer. But as with anything like this, it comes at a cost. The iMe can track anyone – anywhere, anytime. And it can do so much more than that.

One would think that this would completely cut out all the crime there is. And for the most part, you’d be right. But there are always those that will find a way around things. That’s just human nature. But as Proximity shows us, this goes so much deeper than that.

“Part of me still believed my decision was right. Bringing iMe into policing had helped people, saved people even, but I hadn’t thought through the consequences. It had ruined my dream job.”

Spoiler Warning

Warnings: Proximity covers a lot of heavy subjects, including (but not limited to) concerns about safety and privacy. This swells out to cover things such as diet, habits, and everything we take for granted. On top of all of that, there are kidnappings, scenes of torture and death, and a few cases involving detailed hangings. Do consider yourself warned.

Proximity was a heavy-hitting novel, one that was completely unafraid to ask itself what would happen to humanity, if given the option to hand over all of their privacy in exchange for the semblance of control and safety. It was heavy, and powerful, and highly thought-provoking.

This novel wraps together two elements that felt completely polar, and yet turned it into a fascinating novel. On the one hand are the concerns about technology and privacy. And on the other hand, it is a thriller novel that will give you chills. The two combined oddly well, raising more dilemmas and leaving the readers with a lot of food for thought.

Proximity was a pretty quick read, all things considered. Or maybe it just felt that way, since I insisted on reading it all in one sitting. Either way, it’s not a novel I wanted to put down. And I imagine I’m not the only one who will end up feeling that way.

There were a lot of interesting elements that Jem Tugwell wove into her novel here. I feel like this book was as much a debate about technology and privacy as it was a thriller meant to scare us out of our wits. And the two mixed disturbingly well together, that alone is fairly telling. And enough to throw some extra chills down my spine.

I’m kind of sad that I finished Proximity so quickly. But I am looking forward to seeing what else Jem Tugwell comes up with. This is going to be an author worth watching.

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