
Call me a wuss, but Proximity scared the living heck out of me. This isn’t a horror novel – it’s a techno thriller, so you may be asking yourself why this scared me so much. Part of it is that Jem Tugwell’s writing is so absorbing, I was transported into the story. The other reason this is so scary? Because we are so attached to technology right now that the implant, iMe, is something that is totally realistic.

The mystery portion of this story was compelling. A series of people go missing with no signs of how or why. Their iMe’s have malfunctioned and it is up to DI Lussac and DC Jordan to revert to “old-fashioned” investigation to figure out what is happening.

The pacing of this novel is brilliant and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I love that this is a series because I think there is so much more to discover in this world. Jem Tugwell really knows how to keep the reader invested, and guessing all the way to the end.

Overall, Proximity is one of those books you will pick up with the intention of reading a few pages and end up staying up late to finish the story. I can’t wait to continue on in the series. Highly recommended!

Rating: 5/5☆

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